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Jun 13, 2016

The new herring is fat and tasty!

Cafe the Plaza Haring

The Dutch tradition of `Haring Happen' continues on Aruba at Café the Plaza when the first herrings of the season have been flown in. On Friday, June 17, local lovers of rare herring will flock to the popular cafe in the Renaissance Marketplace to sample the delicacy. Predictions about this year's catch are very favorable: the 2016 herring is fat and tasty: it just slides down your throat!

The Dutch tradition of `Haring Happen' continues on Aruba at Café the Plaza when the first herrings of the season have been flown in. On Friday, June 17, local lovers of rare herring will flock to the popular cafe in the Renaissance Marketplace to sample the delicacy. Predictions about this year's catch are very favorable: the 2016 herring is fat and tasty: it just slides down your throat!

Things will get underway at Café the Plaza with a  new herring reception starting at 6 pm. Outside on the terrace there will be a fish cart selling the herrings. A Balashi beer stand will take care of the unique combination herring and beer, while the Dutch and Aruban national flags will wink at the tight links between these two countries. A DJ will play Dutch music and one might spot a person wearing a Dutch traditional dress if one is lucky.

The Dutch new herring season officially gets underway on June 15 – the day before, on June 14, the first barrel will be sold at auction, a festive occasion in Holland. The season will continue until September. The best herrings contain at least 16% fat (unsaturated Omega-3 fats); they are filled with lots of protein and vitamins, like A1, B1, 2, 6 and 12 as well as C, D and E. So now you know how good herrings are for your health, lowering your cholesterol while you enjoy every bite.

We hope you will be able to make it to Café the Plaza in the Renaissance Marketplace on the June 17th for a healthy, tasty bite of the new herring of 2016!


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