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These are some of our local rules and regulations that we kindly request that you respect. Help us protect our One happy island.

Dress code

  • Nudity and topless sunbathing are not allowed.
  • Wear proper attire in public spaces (a.i. supermarkets, gas stations, hotel lobbies etc).


  • Park in designated areas and not on sidewalks.
  • Always lock your car and do not leave valuables behind.

Beaches & Dunes

  • Driving or parking on beaches, dunes and in the ocean is prohibited.
  • Please dispose of your trash properly.
  • Do not bbq or start a fire on beaches and dunes.
  • Avoid use of disposable plastic products on the beach.

Life Under Water

  • Do not feed any marine life including fishes and turtles.
  • Do not pick up starfish for selfies, they can only breathe under water.
  • Use coral friendly sunblock as much as possible in order to protect our marine life.

One Happy Behavior

  • Be kind and respectful to others.
  • We make an effort to speak four languages to communicate with our visitors. You can learn a few words in Papiamento, it’s fun.
  • Please be patient and embrace being on ‘island-time’.
  • Do not harm Aruba’s treasures, trespass or venture beyond your safety in a quest for the perfect picture.


  • Single use plastic bags are banned on Aruba, use reusable bags.
  • Respect and protect Aruba’s flora and fauna.
  • Please dispose of your trash properly.


  • Always stop at a red light and no right turn on red.
  • You have the right of way when on a roundabout.
  • Use marked pedestrian crossings to cross the street.
  • Be respectful of cyclists.


  • Respect their space, and do not chase them.
  • Do not feed iguanas, especially no meat or human food.

North Coast

  • Our rugged North coastline is not a natural racetrack.
  • Please do not speed. Stay on main dirt roads.
  • Driving on sand dunes, on beaches and in the ocean is prohibited.
  • ‘Wishing’ rock stacking is not an Aruban tradition and harmful to the environment and animals.


  • The two Fofoti trees on Eagle Beach are landmarks, do not hang hammocks or belongings in them.
  • Respect church areas and all services taking place here.
  • No graffiti or carving.

Enjoy Aruba safely

  • Keep 1.5 meters distance between yourself and others.
  • Wear your mask when in public.
  • Wash your hands and use hand sanitizer frequently.
  • Avoid touching your face and cover your mouth while coughing and sneezing.

We’re just getting started with the amazing effects Aruba has to offer. Dig into your trip details below to unlock a Caribbean experience that will leave you sunnier, happier, and (of course) a little more tanned.

Discover the Aruba Effect