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Aruba Loves You! Here’s 5 Ways You Can Love Aruba Back

If you’re reading this, that probably means you’ve been to the One Happy Island (several times) or you plan on visiting soon!

Hi friends, we absolutely love having you. Over the years, Aruba has been a home away from home to millions. The island has provided perfect weather, stunning vistas, and lots of fun activities.

In order to make sure we can enjoy our dushi island for many years to come, we have to continue treating Aruba with respect. Here are five ways how you can do just that!

Jennifer's Aruba Promise

1 Sign the Aruba Promise!

First things first, loving Aruba is a commitment! Read our Code of Conduct and make your Aruba Promise. You will find all the basic guidelines of what it takes to be a responsible visitor, and you’ll get a cool Aruba graphic to share on social media.

Code of Conduct

2 Let’s Talk Trash

Unfortunately, there are still people who enjoy our beaches without properly disposing of their rubbish. Not only is this an eyesore for us beachgoers, but it can also be dangerous for our marine life! Our turtles, seagulls, fish, and crabs all deserve a clean, safe place to live.

Thankfully, we can all do our part to help them out. Next time you go to the beach, bring a little bin bag. If you see any rubbish in the sand or floating in the water, pick it up and dispose of it. Not only does this preserve our beaches for years to come, it also sets a great example for those around you.


3 Seashells and Coral and Rocks, Oh My!

While picking up rubbish off the beach is strongly encouraged, taking anything else is strictly prohibited. I know, I know, everyone loves taking home a nice souvenir, but in order to keep our natural resources healthy, we need to leave the beautiful seashells, coral, and rocks right where they are. Anyone caught trying to leave the island with this stuff can expect a very hefty fine!

I personally recommend taking some nice photos of your finds instead.

4 Follow All COVID-19 Safety Protocols

The health and safety of Aruba’s residents and visitors alike is a top priority! Do the island a favour by adhering to the COVID-19 related health and safety protocols. That way, you can protect yourself, your fellow Aruba visitors, and the Aruba locals!

Health & Safety Information


Aruba Aloe coral safe sunscreen

5 Spread the Word!

Not everyone is aware of the steps they should be taking to properly love Aruba back. That’s okay! We can all contribute to the preservation of our happy island by leading by example and sharing what we’ve learned. For example, if you see someone hanging items off one of the protected Fofoti trees on Eagle Beach, gently inform them that this is not allowed. Or maybe you can remind your friend who is trave;ling to Aruba to only pack oxybenzone-free reef-safe sunscreen. Your input really helps keep Aruba the safe and happy place it is now.

Thanks for being such an awesome Aruba visitor. Hope to see you soon on the One happy Island!

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