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Best Eco Resort in the Caribbean

Best Eco Resorts in the Caribbean

Due to climate change and global warming, ecotourism is on the rise. This way of traveling should reduce the negative impact on the climate. One way to travel more sustainable is choosing an eco-friendly accommodation. In this blogpost, you’ll find more information on lodging eco-friendly. Also, you can read tips when it comes to the different types of accommodations: from eco lodges in the Caribbean to Caribbean all inclusive eco resorts. Read further and find your best pick!

Discover the best eco-friendly resorts in the Caribbean

Sustainability is a major topic in Aruba. Since July 1, 2020, the island has banned additional disposable items, including plastic cups and plates, straws and stirrers, plastic kitchenware and plastic to-go containers. Also, Aruba's energy needs are increasingly fulfilled with clean energy.


As a tourist, you can also pay attention to the climate during your stay on our One Happy Island. One of the possibilities to do so is staying at one of the Caribbean eco resorts on Aruba. These eco-friendly resorts in the Caribbean come in many shapes and sizes, but they have one thing in common: all types of accommodations respect the environment. But what does this mean exactly?

What are eco resorts in the Caribbean exactly?

You might wonder what makes a resort in the Caribbean eco-friendly. Well, there’s not a simple answer to this question. However, Caribbean resorts that are eco-friendly do take measures to protect our planet. A reason to do so is transporting guests with an electric bus instead of using fuel like gasoline or diesel. Another way is to place water-saving showers in the accommodations and only use LED lights. Or think about initiatives to avoid food waste. No matter what kind of measures they take: Caribbean eco lodges take action to be less harmful for our planet and the environment. Reason enough to choose an eco resort in the Caribbean, if you ask me. The only question left would be: which one should you go for?

Bucuti & Tara

Do you prefer a luxury eco resort in the Caribbean?

Choosing an eco resort in the Caribbean doesn’t mean you have to let go of luxury. If you want to contribute to a healthier planet but also want to enjoy a true holiday experience, I would definitely recommend Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort right here on the One Happy Island. Among the many environmental initiatives are reducing the carbon footprint by sourcing local suppliers and products made on Aruba. This Caribbean eco resort on Aruba also has solar panels heating water for guest rooms and the laundry. By choosing this luxury eco resort in the Caribbean you spend your holiday in a more eco-friendly way.

Other eco lodges in the Caribbean

Among all the places to stay on Aruba, you’ll find more Caribbean eco lodges. There is something for everyone! Would you rather go to an all-inclusive eco resort in the Caribbean or do you prefer boutique Caribbean eco lodges? When you’re not 100% sure if an accommodation is eco-friendly, you can always ask. This is a great way to get your information, and you may inspire people at hotels and resorts to think more environmentally. Win-win, right?!

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