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Jan 03, 2017

Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort to receive valuable suggestions of “Kids Counsel” of Prinses Amalia School

Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort to receive valuable suggestions of “Kids Counsel” of Prinses Amalia School

"Kids Counsel" is a project that has shown to be successful since the moment it was created. The Missing Chapter Foundation was created under the sponsorship of UNICEF in 2010 by Princess Laurentien van Oranje, to contribute with sustainable solutions to solve actual social problems. 

The program promotes among the 'decision makers' of participating companies the possibility to take into consideration the perspective and point of view of children. Together, they initiate a dialog with the commitment of finding solutions to solve the problems that were postulated by the company, and through this way, create a sustainable base.


Kids Counsel is that project that aims to incentive youth participation and that gives attention and value to their intellect. This is the second year that Amsterdam Manor participates and it's the first time for the team of "Prins​es Amalia School". Recently, the children of 6th grade, together with their teacher Sonia Sue, visited the Amsterdam Manor and the Riool Waterzuiverings installation of the Bubali Plas, here they were presented with the dilemma: How can Amsterdam Manor expand in a way that will be beneficial for Bubali Pas. 

Here you can see some of the pictures of the Kids Counsel of Princess Amalia School together with the team of Amsterdam Manor Beach Resort. The children will have 8 weeks to investigate the issue and to present their suggestions and solutions to Amsterdam Manor.

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