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Aruba Aloe

Apr 29, 2021

Aruba Aloe is now Royal by Warrant

First company with a designation “Royal” in the Caribbean part of the Dutch Kingdom

On Thursday April 22nd, 2021, the Governor of Aruba, his Excellency Mr. Alfonso Boekhoudt handed over the designation “Royal” to Aruba Aloe after His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Dutch Kingdom, granted the designation “Royal” to the Aruban company Aruba Aloe Balm N.V. by Royal warrant.

Going forward, Aruba Aloe can add ‘Royal’ to their company name and add the “Royal” crown to its company logo. It symbolizes His Majesty’s respect, appreciation, and trust towards the recipient. One of the conditions is that the organization is of national significance and that it has existed for 100 years or more.

In 1890, Cornelis Eman founded the company with the trade in Aloe Vera, afterwards Casey Eman, Jani Eman and Henny Eman continued the company over the years. Ultimately, the Eman family led the company for 110 years and transformed the company from a trading company into a personal care company where 100% pure and fresh Aloe Vera gel from the Aruban Aloe fields has always been the central product.

In 2000, Louis A. Posner took over the business from mr. Henny Eman. Since then, Louis A Posner has invested to grow the company internationally and to achieve a much larger footprint locally. In 2014 Onno van Romondt Jr. jointed the company as the second shareholder. Together they have further contributed to Aruba Aloe’s expansion. Aruba Aloe now has 15 stores on the island and products are sold from the factory in Aruba in more than 55 countries and can now be found in more than 15,000 stores in the United States. All these products are manufactured in the Aruban production facility at Hato.

Managing Director Remko van der Veldt on this unique occasion; “This is a historic moment for Aruba Aloe and Aruba. It is a great honor being the first company in the Caribbean part of the Dutch Kingdom that is granted the designation ‘Royal’ by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander. We therefore express great thanks to the Governor of Aruba, as representative of His Majesty King Willem-Alexander, for this great honor.” He continues: “The company has experienced ups-and-downs over the past 130 years, but with Passion, Commitment and Aruban pride Aruba Aloe has always progressed to achieve a great future. This was the case with all the generations of Eman who initially led the company, with all former employees and as well as with the current owners and employees!”.

With today’s Royal Designation, Aruba Aloe joins a list of royal companies such as Shell, KLM, KPN and the Royal Schiphol Group to name a few examples. Shareholder Louis A. Posner: “It is an honor to be among these large and well-known companies. With Aruba Aloe, we want to prove that an Aruban company (from a small island) can be a globally operating company. When I took over in 2000, I phrased it as follows: "What Coca-Cola is to the United States, Heineken to the Netherlands, that should become Aruba Aloe to Aruba."

Aruba Aloe

This historic moment must and will be celebrated in a grand manner. Van der Veldt: "Partly in view of the current Covid-19 situation and related measures that are still in force, we will celebrate this historic day in style with our customers and with Aruba at a later moment in the year." Aruba Aloe will send further communication about this in due course.

In conclusion, Van der Veldt states "From today we are no longer Aruba Aloe but we are the Royal Aruba Aloe, a very proud Aruban company."

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