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Guest Honoring.
Loyal guests visiting Aruba.

May 07, 2019

Goodwill & Emerald Ambassadors At Costa Linda Beach Resort

Loyal visitors honored.

Recently, Marouska Heyliger had the great pleasure to honor Aruba’s loyal and friendly visitors as Goodwill Ambassador and Emerald Ambassador. The Goodwill Ambassador is presented on behalf of the Minister of Tourism, as a token of appreciation to guests who visit Aruba 20 years or more consecutively. The Emerald Ambassador is presented to guests who visit Aruba 35 years or more consecutively.

The honorees were Irene Cappello and Andrea Connolly from Fairfield, Connecticut together with John and Linda Mallen from Freehold, New Jersey.

Mrs. Irene Cappello and her late husband first started coming to Aruba since 1979, and has been visiting the island twice a year and sometimes even more. Throughout the years, they participated in many activities the island offered which therefore they developed many lasting friendships with the locals. Mrs. Cappello and her late husband would even act as surrogate parents to several students from Aruba who attended college in the U.S. Mrs. Cappello is so grateful that she had the opportunity to see our island grow and prosper to what it is today. Upon asking “Why Aruba?” She stated: “After having survived two cancers, I was determined to visit the island thoroughly”. Mrs. Cappello has appointed Aruba as her ‘home away from home and her best option in recovery’.

Mr and Mrs. Mallen stated while on vacation, they enjoy the gastronomic variety that Aruba offers as well as different on-island activities, “Visiting Baby Beach and Eagle Beach is a must!” But the main reasons they keep coming to Aruba is the overall beauty of the island and the hospitality they receive from the locals.

From the Aruba Tourism Authority, Visitor Care Liaison Ms. Marouska Heyliger and Intern Communications Ms. Sharicia Hasham together with representatives of the Costa Linda Beach Resort; Resort Manager Mr. Luigi Herencia, Relations Manager Mrs. Miriam Rodriguez and Front Office Manager Mrs. Lina Asaytuno, a special Goodwill Ambassador Award and Emerald Ambassador Award was presented to certificate the honorees. They were acknowledged for choosing Aruba as their favorite vacation destination.

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