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Associates at La Cabana Beach Resort were welcomed to the first-quarter general meeting, under the slogan: Innovation, change is the only constant.
The meeting was themed around innovation & appreciation, dividing the program by two, the first part outlining the first-quarter strategic principles with Joe Najjar, General Manager, and the second dedicated to the recognition of resort top-achievers in 2019.
As the theme of innovation was introduced, the plan to update and transform was exemplified across all resort departments.
La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino set a goal of attracting new owners, delivering an improve vacation product, nurturing La Cabana’s work culture, and acing the Medallia scores, which measure overall guests experience, and driving them up a notch.
Among other innovations adopted, an energy-efficiency policy and the enhancement of all alternative energy devices including solar powered golf carts. The resort also resolved to improve its promotions on its website and social media, and transition many services to online including the creation of a resort app, the introduction of a touchscreen bulletin board, more computers for the housekeeping department, and much more.
The presentation concluded with a quiz reviewing all materials discussed, which proved that La Cabana associates really pay attention, eager to progress with the times, renew and innovate.
Innovation, was value number 5, introduced to the General Assembly following the previous ones. “We have been introducing one value per general assembly, says Najjar, and overtime adopted Appreciation, Integrity, Flexibility, Excellence, and Innovation, with more to come in the future, at the 2nd quarter general assembly.”
As associates entered the room where the meeting was held they went through a “Tunnel of Innovation” where they could experience the resort 30 years ago, and its progression till now. The department of Human Resources displayed old pictures and mementos, which described the resort’s innovative nature over the years. While having changed, it is continuously innovating, and evolving.
The associate general meeting ended with the brass band leading associates out to the pool deck for the annual La Cabana Beach resort & Casino queen election.
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