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La Cabana Queen Election

Feb 18, 2019

La Cabana hosts a Carnival Queen Election

La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino hosted its annual Queen Election.

The pageant featured four queen-candidates representing different resort departments in the race.

The fun event was hosted by the Social Committee in collaboration with the department of Human Resources, and delivered a delightful evening, in which guests and associates rooted for their favorite candidate, to Carnival music.

The participating royalties included Lyrza Lansiquot, Front Office; Lucienne Ras, Food & Beverage; Mayra Fingal, Housekeeping and Nathaly Rodriguez, Glitz Casino.

La Cabana Queen Election

The queen-candidates were asked to introduce themselves with a speech wearing an attractive Carnival costume in front of a judges’ panel made up of guests, as the brass band entertained and animated the gathering.

After careful deliberations, the panel of guest judges, picked Lucienne Ras, of the F&B department, as the winner and she was crowned by Assistant General Manager, Jessica Franken, as the 2019 La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino Carnival Queen, ceremoniously escorted by Prins and Pancho Jason Martijn & Randolf Roch.

Congratulate to all queen-candidates who participated and gave it their best, and congratulation to Queen Lucienne, who landed the ultimate title, may you enjoy your reign in the kingdom of La Cabana.

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