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Mental Health Workshop at La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino

Jun 14, 2022

Mental Health Workshop at La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino

Eagle Beach. -- If the pandemic taught us anything, it is that mental health is as important, sometimes even more important that physical help.

We saw many of our community members struggling with mood disorders, anxiety disorders and sometime even the more severe, personality disorders.

The diagnosis of mental illness can be controversial, and confusing, and that is why the Department of Human Resources at La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino invited FADA and CDH, Centro di Desaroyo Humano, for a mental health workshop recently.

Mental Health Workshop at La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino

Seeing the writing on the wall the department also formed an internal TLC Committee, designed to deliver Tender Loving Care to associates at the resort, in collaboration with a university social work intern, Cindy Figaroa.  

Mental Health Workshop at La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino

The TLC Committee aims at helping increase mental health awareness among associates, and providing mental health resources to associates, where they can learn more about coping strategies, to minimize symptoms; Stress management, to alleviate the mental burden and creating healthy habits, a strategy to counteract the consequences of mental health challenges.  

Mental Health Workshop at La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino

The TLC committee also took it upon itself to support associates who are experiencing mental health concerns.  The committee also introduced the specially-formed TLC Support Group, promoting a space that is safe, confidential, and welcoming to associates. The committee is encouraging a non-judgmental atmosphere where participants can feel comfortable, sharing their feelings without holding back, and receiving support from their peers.


The committee organized different workshops revolving around different topics and invited both FADA & Centro di Desaroyo Humano to present. FADA also discussed aspects of Mental Health, relating to Addiction, Anxiety, Depression and opened a discussion about Mental Health in the Workplace.

Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.

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