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Salamander Group Star Associate in Aruba.

Aug 27, 2018

Vonnie Quant, is a star Sales Associate with the Salamander Group

She had her eyes on the prize!

Vonnie Quant, a Sales Associate with the Salamander Group was recently rewarded with an Awg 1,000 gift card to Price Smart by outshining, and outselling all other Sales Associates.    

For the past three months, every company Sales Associates was given the opportunity to gain points from selling different items, meeting personal goals, getting positive reviews on Facebook or Trip Advisor, or achieving the highest monthly sales, among other incentives.
Vonnie collected the greatest number of points to win the Awg 1,000 gift card, and is seen here in the picture with a company representative collecting her reward.

Store Manager Stephanie Mundle, acknowledged Vonnie’s efforts, on behalf of the team at Salamander Group, expressing her pride and gratitude.

The Salamander Group's six stores, including T.H. Palm & Company, The Lazy Lizard, The Juggling Fish, The Juggling Fish Swimwear, and Taste of Aruba, conduct many sales promotions; the company also has an ongoing fundraising program by the name of Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World), by which a percentage of sales is designated by the client for an island charity.

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