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News in Aruba for

Jun 20, 2018

Aruba Marriott Celebrates Their Top Associates of 1st Quarter of 2018

Aruba Marriott awarded its top associates of the 1st quarter.

Aruba Marriott recently awarded its top associates of the 1st quarter during a delightful cocktail event filled with plenty of food and beverage and a good time. All the nominees together with their managers or supervisors were invited to the event to celebrate their successes during the quarter.

News in Aruba for

Nominated by their managers and supervisors the associates were nominated based on their dedication and excellent performance during the first quarter. The awards included Associate of the Quarter, Supervisor of the Quarter and Manager of the Quarter.

The associates recognized as Associate of the 1st Quarter for 2018 were John Polo (Recreation Resort), Michel Boot (Engineering Resort), Yenny Damsma (Captain’s Galley), Luis Masias (Engineering Surf Club), Naomi Chayadi (Events & Banquets) and Jamil Maduro (Casino Marketing). The associates recognized as Supervisor of the 1st Quarter for 2018 were Ivelisse Simon (Sales & Marketing) and Rodney Gomez (Recreation Ocean Club & Surf Club) and the associates recognized as Manager of the 1st Quarter for 2018 were Patricia Miranda (Accounting),  Stacey Banfield (Sales & Marketing) and Ryan Rampersaud (Food & Beverage Ocean Club).

The Associates of the Quarter, Supervisors of the Quarter and Managers of the Quarter, received a congratulatory letter from the General Manager as well as a plaque and a cash prize. The General Manager Tom Calame, together with the entire Executive Team and the staff of the Aruba Marriott congratulates all nominees and winners with this great achievement. 

News in Aruba for

For those interested in starting their career at the Aruba Marriott please visit to apply.

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